Pricing of Unipla platform
Project users access fee
first 100 unique users starting a new 30-day billing period in a calendar month: 1 EUR / user
each subsequent unique user starting a new 30-day billing period in a calendar month: 0.1 EUR / user
A user is understood as a person logged in with an individual access account or an individual access code (regardless of how many devices the login was made on). In the case of logging in with an anonymous code or registration code, the fee is charged for each unique device.
Multimedia storage fee
0.5 EUR / 1GB (free tier: 1GB)
Multimedia transfer fee
0.5 EUR / 1GB (free tier: 1 GB)
Dedicated application
Creation and publication of the application: from 500 EUR
Individual pricing based on expected functionality. The fee includes the first year of application maintenance.Application maintenance: 250 EUR / year
The fee is not charged if the total user access fees in the application for previous year are at least 250 EUR.Creation and maintenance of a standalone web application: 100 EUR / year
SMS messages
The cost of sending an SMS (160 ASCII characters or 70 UNICODE characters for a one-part message, 153 ASCII characters or 67 UNICODE characters for a multi-part message) depends on the recipient's country, for example, the cost to Polish numbers is 0.022 EUR.
SMS pricing per country →